Local Development

The Carna Resources Group is a premium Plexlearning and Research to Practice service provider.   We provide place-based infrastructure, technical education, economic, and quality of life development services for neighborhood businesses and organizations.   Our cost sharing services include, but are not limited to, rapid workforce retooling technology and agile personalized career management.

We employ PlexLearning technology and UDL in networks of small groups to maintain high-quality technical skills, professionalism, and continuous learning.   Our flexible programs make sustainable development accessible to people in both rural village and urban neighborhood communities.

The Carna Resources Group focuses on helping people thrive in-place.   We provide scalable professional services, training programs, reliable markets, and business opportunities calibrated for small group success.   Carna RPPs fills important gaps, and remove barriers, between formal education, informal learning, workforce development, meaningful careers, and quality of life.    Learn More


PlexLearning Engagements  

Plexlearning programs help people use lived experiences to find their voices and follow their passion.   These Universal Design for Learning (UDL) wraparound training programs and small-group development services allow local micro businesses to maximize net benefits technologies offer while minimizing risks new technologies bring.

PlexLearning engagement promotes development, use, and management, of local accumulated technical knowledge.   Development includes creating skills training capacity through deep dialogues in trusted shared spaces that enable people to participate, and remain relevant, in the transformation of their world.   Purposeful RPP development engagements encourage proximal learning of best practices that help people acquire technical knowledge, gain self-confidence, and think for themselves as they navigate ebbs and flows from changing circumstances, new markets, and competing interests.

Diversity in learning modalities and affirmation of lived experiences are core elements of PlexLearning engagements.   These core elements create a culture of life-long, continuous, and purposeful learning that helps to repurpose available resources into useful formats and energize economic development in ways not possible when working alone.   Learn More 


Research to Practice Partnerships

Carna Research to Practice Partnerships (RPP) remove barriers to a culture of continuous learning and sustainable development located within rural village, and urban neighborhood, communities.   Our RPPs allow highly skilled professionals to bring appropriate research resources, trusted expertise, and granular transparent accountably for systemic education, economic, and quality of life development within specific neighborhood communities.

Our RPP services integrate lived experiences, trust, measurable expectations, and a culture of continuous UDL Plexlearning into neighborhood-level development.   All stakeholders are welcomed and affirmed in long-term community engagements that help protect against predatory agencies, financial entrapment, and chronic hopelessness.

Our core RPP culture of continuous learning within the Carna Resources Group helps people at different stages of life and career stay relevant, hopeful, and purposefully engaged in shaping policies, governance, economic, and quality of life development.   This notwithstanding disparate situations in which people find themselves and their vantage view of the world.     Learn More